Neotropical Nature & Birding

Quito’s surroundings offers an array of captivating and biodiverse destinations conveniently situated near the city, making them ideal for a day excursion to reconnect with nature. This opportunity grants you the chance to appreciate and photograph some of the most iconic species while reveling in the luxury of the verdant evergreen slopes of the tropical Andes and the grandeur of volcanoes encompassed by the paramo. Join us if you find yourself with spare days and a desire for respite from the urban hustle. Discover the remarkable diversity that thrives remarkably close to the equator, a chance to acquaint yourself with the magnificence of these nearby wonders.


Experience the beauty and wonder of Antisana National Park, a unique destination that has something to offer for every taste. Come and explore the breathtaking landscapes of Antisana National Park, from its snow-capped peaks to its verdant paramo ecosystem. Officially recognized as an ecological reserve  in 1993, its 120,000 hectares (296,400 acres) are now some of the most rigorously protected natural areas in Ecuador. Spot the magnificent Andean Condors as they soar through the sky, and keep your eyes peeled for other amazing animals like Andean Bears, Andean Foxes, the Giant Hummingbird and more! Enjoy the fresh, clean air that comes from the park’s pristine environment and immerse yourself in the stunning natural beauty of Antisana National Park.


Wake up to breathtaking views as the sun rises over the western Andean slopes. Immerse yourself in the unique tropical Andean ecosystem and be mesmerized by the hummingbirds that call it home. Our cloud forest is home to the highest diversity of these winged jewels, and our expert guides will take you to three reserves at different altitudes to see them in all their glory. Bird feeders bring you to get up close and personal with these elusive creatures, allowing you to capture stunning photos and truly appreciate their unmatched beauty.

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to experience the wonder of the Andean cloud forest. Book your trip today and start planning your adventure!


Yanacocha Reserve is located just 1 hour northwest of Quito, along the famous Hummingbird route in the old Nono-Mindo Road. Jocotoco Foundation, one of Ecuador’s most recognized conservation organizations has  established this strategic protected reserve and protects 960 hectares of pristine high altitude polylepis and cloud forest.
Wake up with some of the most fabulous views, as the sun rises over the northwestern slope of Pichincha Volcano.


A 2 hour drive will take you to one of the most amazing ecosystems in the Tropical Andes. Surrounded by forested mountains and just a few minutes off the main road, Mindo offers a variety of activities for all interests and tastes. We will start the day with a hike in the  Mindo Nambillo Reserve.  This is a transitional sub-tropical rainforest that  ranges from 950 to 3,500 meters above sea level, where two of the most biologically diverse ecoregions in the world meet: the Chocó lowlands and the Western Tropical Andes. The reserve covers about 22 000 hectares, and is home to an outstanding number of orchid, bird, mammals, insect and reptile species.


Amazing views of the ever green lush  Andean Cloud Forest, and snow capped volcanoes as far as the eye can see.  You’ll witness a unique ecosystem with very particular and complex, biodiversity, climate and topographic conditions as you become immersed in this ideal location for an extraordinary ecological experience. Rainbows of sparkling Hummingbirds will catch all your attention, a true world renowned place that might provide the best bird photography opportunities for some elusive species. 


This now-famous cloud forest reserve near Mindo is considered a must visit place and   highlight of the Northwestern route. A very accessible “LEK” of the Andean Cock of the rock  will grant you the opportunity to see at close range one of the most beautiful bird of the tropics. Here, the former local farmer Angel Paz and his brother Rodrigo have switched their activities to birding and conservation. They are pioneers in the Tropics in  hand-feeding several elusive species   with amazing and nearly miraculously success. These birds respond relatively easily to their voice, giving us a great chance to see these otherwise evasive birds.


Once in Bellavista, the hummingbirds take our full attention!!! Large numbers hover constantly around the feeders, and it is easy to identify over 10 species at very close range. The lodge offers an excellent network of trails, over 8 km in length, ranging from easy to genuine adventure, furthermore, waterfalls on the property of 700 hectares, all deep in the subtropical rainforest are truly beautiful. This combination invites you for day excursions in the surroundings, which will acquaint you with the exuberant vegetation of the cloud forest, it’s bird diversity, and the fascinating adaptations to life in this special environment.


Each and every element of this small reserve is designed to delight both birders and photographers, who can chalk up a hard drive’s worth of photos of hummers, tanagers, and even the fancy, multi-colored Plate-billed Mountain-Toucan. This site also has light traps that attract moths during the night, and in the early morning, insectivorous birds flock to this amazing breakfast buffet. Blinds located close to these light traps are well situated for great photo ops.


Prepare for an incredible voyage as we explore an extraordinary blend of varied ecosystems, providing an enthralling experience that includes the gorgeous Andean temperate forests and paramo. The spectacle is taking place at Guango Lodge, a sanctuary for hummingbird enthusiasts and photographers. It is possible to see several different hummingbird species in a matter of minutes. With its astonishingly long bill, the Sword-billed hummingbird is sure to take your breath away. This charming location has picturesque views and a variety of trails that provide guests with the ideal opportunity to hike in a breathtaking setting surrounded by forest-draped mountains.


This trip will take you through  a great scenery in the Ecuadorian High Andes. Enjoy a privileged lookout to some of the most important Andean Condor roosting and nesting sites.  The altitudinal range covered is from 10.000 to 12.000 ft asl. We’ll spend the entire day in the area, watching for Andean condors (should be easy!) and other beautiful birds like the close to endemic and unique Ecuadorian Hillstar  feeding from unique flowers  of the Chuquiraga shrub, we will even keep our eyes open for Spectacled Bears. The paramo is rich in important  food sources for the bears’ mostly herbivorous diet; Puya sp. is pretty abundant  in this ecosystem. 


Mashpi is a recently popularized site in the northwestern foothills that has gained notoriety for its impressive collection of Chocó endemic bird species. The wet mossy forest along the roads in the area boasts Moss-Backed Tanager, Pacific Tuftedcheek, Orange-Breasted Fruiteater, Black Solitaire, Glistening-Green Tanager, Indigo Flowerpiercer, and the very rare Choco Vireo.
Time and space will take on a different meaning as you become immersed in the deep green forest, exploring pristine landscapes.



More than a destination, Papallacta is an integral holistic experience that will awaken your senses and deeply connect you with nature. Some 65 km (41 Miles) East of Quito the road brings us into the high elevation paramo at Papallacta, a very tundra-like habitat. On clear days the views of the surroundings and various volcanoes are breath-taking; a stop right up at the pass is one of the best spots from where to photograph the snow-capped Antisana Volcano as it towers over the mountains below. 




Only  an hour and a half trip south from Quito, Cotopaxi National Park is one of the most impressive national parks in Ecuador,  created in 1979 and it contains the famed active Cotopaxi Volcano.  An ecological reserve surrounds the volcano, located on the border between the provinces of Pichincha and Cotopaxi.


Admire the impressive volcanoes crossing the Andes in what is known as the Avenue of the Volcanoes.  The term Avenue of the Volcanoes was coined by the German explorer Alexander Von Humboldt — “the greatest scientific traveler who ever lived,” according to Charles Darwin — who journeyed through Ecuador in 1802.

